Accidentally Seduced (The Naked Truth Series Book 3) Read online

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  “Elena, whose side are you on? The man is in the wrong. And I couldn’t give a shit about what she wanted. She could have stripped in front of him for all I care. What’s right is right, and what’s wrong is wrong. I just need some evidence. A picture, a text, anything that I can use to show my mother and the board that he is unworthy of a title. That he is an unredeemable playboy. You said yourself, right? People don’t change,” he added in a huskier voice, cocking his head to one side.

  Whoa. What the heck was happening? “But that’s more spying for me. What if this woman is someone I know for instance? What if I find out she’s this lovely hard-working person who made a mistake? She could lose her job too. And what if she needs the money?” she asked, and for the life of her didn’t know why she sounded so freaking irritated.

  He jammed his hands into his pockets. “I don’t care.”

  Her jaw dropped, just for a moment. Where was her compassionate friend? The one who had helped her coming to terms with her abusive relationship? I was the one who kissed Devon. The answer was on the tip of her tongue. Biting the inside of her cheek, she drew back. Telling him would only screw Devon. Wasn’t that why she wanted to just get out, and not to screw anyone? No pun intended. “Well that’s pretty shitty of you. People matter. Are you so blinded by this CEO title? I wanted to repay you for being a good friend, but—”

  He ran his hand down his face. “Hey. I’m sorry. Whoever this is will have to take one for the team. She shouldn’t be doing that either. And if you don’t discover who that is, I will.”

  She locked her spine into place, and avoided staring at him. Shit. Maybe the friend she thought she knew had turned into this greedy bastard who was no doubt into an over-the-top competitive relationship with his brother. She should tell him the truth then walk away.

  She thrust her hand in her hair. If she told Matthew she’d been the one with Devon, she’d lose her job. From the beginning, she’d known her position was temporary as her qualifications far exceeded what the job demanded. She’d done it for Matthew. But, was she ready to never see Devon again?

  Are you done with Devon? “Fine. I’ll help you. But what if you find out who’s stealing first?” she asked, barely catching up with the jumbled ideas in her head. What if she tried to buy time and help find out who really did it?

  “As soon as I do, I couldn’t care less about his sex life. I know that if I find out, I will expose him.”

  She shrugged. “If he was the one who stole.”

  He narrowed his eyes at her, his mouth flatted into a thin line. “All of a sudden you care?”

  “I don’t. To be honest, I was about to resign from my position as I came here to meet you.”

  “Don’t you do that. My wife just left me. You are the only person who has my back and I need you in this company until I figure things out.”

  Interesting. What if Devon hadn’t done it? Until now, there was no evidence against him, only Matthew’s paranoia. However… If she discovered who was really behind the stealing, maybe she’d get Devon off the hook. After all, he didn’t deserve to go down because of something he didn’t do. This way, she could use that as leverage and have Matthew get off his brother’s back. Buying time was essential. “Fine. I’ll stay.”

  Chapter Five

  Devon walked into his office, and tossed his briefcase on the oversized chair across from his table. He called the security office. “Hey. Devon here.”

  “Yes, sir, how can we help?”

  Sitting on his chair, he inhaled. The less information he gave, the better. “Hi, Phil, I need a list of the phone numbers dialed from my assistant’s desk the past two months,” he said casually, and reached for a football he kept in his second drawer. Taking it out, he tapped his fingers on it.

  “Is there anything you’re looking for, sir? This kind of information usually takes time.”

  Bouncing the ball from hand to hand, he frowned. “Time? I can glance at my iPhone now and find out everyone I called. Why can’t you use your fancy computer and do me a solid?”

  “Because whenever we’re watching employees, even with orders from their bosses, we need the CEO’s approval. That’s a new rule.”

  Of course it was. Imani wanted to be in full control, understandably so. He entertained the idea of telling her about his suspicions involving Elena and Matthew. Too soon. “This isn’t surveillance. I think she’s been making way too many personal calls and need evidence. Nothing too complicated, unless you make it so,” Devon said, clenching his fingers on the ball.

  “Okay, sir. I’ll email you a list as soon as I have access—”

  “Right now.”

  “Right now.”

  “Good. Thanks, Phil,” he said, his voice a tad smoother.


  If he could prove she contacted Matthew a lot, that was a start. Why would she contact his half-brother, when her job didn’t demand such things? After all, she had dialed his cell phone number from hers. Maybe she’d slipped out at work and done the same.

  The image of his half-brother’s hands on her brought a hardcore acid to his stomach. Ridiculous, he knew. After all, if anything he was the one who shouldn’t be touching her. If Matthew were having an affair with her, he’d be toast and not be the CEO. Devon curled his fingers into a fist.

  He lifted his head to the see-through wall, and there she was, walking to his office, wearing a dove grey skirt and a silk pale pink blouse. His heart drummed, and a senseless stir swept through his body. No. Get a grip, man. The girl had texted his brother. He had seen them talk at the park with a familiarity that didn’t fool him for a second. Why did all rationalization fly out the window the second his gaze collided with hers?

  “Devon,” she said, worrying her bottom red lip.

  Standing up, he stretched to his full height. This time, she wasn’t going to run away from him. She had at the restaurant, and also at the park. Even if he had to drag her to his private bathroom, where thank goodness, walls kept him from view, they would have this conversation. If she thought slapping him in the face the other day put an end to their chat, she had another thing coming. “Elena. How do you know my brother and why did you call him from your cell phone?”

  Her long sigh filled the room. She put her hands on her waist, her fingers drumming over her skirt. He peered behind her, to make sure the other assistants were working and no one paid attention to them. A shiver of relief went through him. Good.

  “And don’t feed me any lies. If you don’t tell me the truth now, I’ll go to Imani and the board and tell them you two are having an affair.”

  She stepped forward, hands perched at her waist. “We are not.”

  “That’s hard to believe. Why else would you call him on his cell phone? Or talk to him intimately at the park?” he asked the questions that had been eating at him since Sunday. All his life, when it came to women, he didn’t consider himself particularly possessive. Superficial relationships suited him fine, for he didn’t have to worry about their end. Then why did it bother him beyond belief that Matthew was the one bedding Elena—and not him?

  “Intimately? We exchanged a few words in broad daylight. Wasn’t that the purpose of the employee retreat? So everyone would mingle?” she said, irony dripping from her voice.

  “Like you mingled with me?”

  She shook her head. “I can take our mingling to the board too.”

  His stomach clenched. A wave of disappointment swept through him, and he could punch himself for even allowing such a sentiment. She had been snooping on him, for fuck’s sake. Why would he expect her to act any differently? “It took long enough. You’re threatening me?”

  She ran her hands through her hair, and he noticed the pulse on her neck. “No. I mean, yes. Listen—”

  “If you do that I can tell them you are a corporate spy.”

  She lifted her chin, but he didn’t miss the glint of fear in her eyes. “You don’t have any proof.”

  “Nope, but I c
an plant that seed. Once they look into the kind of connection you have with my half-brother, we’re all going down, and I don’t mean just professionally. Corporate espionage is a crime.”

  Silence. She rubbed her temples, and closed her eyes for a moment. Marveling at the chance, he watched her gorgeous face, so sexy, even when it was vulnerable. Uncertain. His libido stirred, and he cleared his throat.

  She opened her eyes and asked in a small voice, “What do you want from me?”

  Your legs wrapped around my neck. He leaned on the edge of his desk. No. That wasn’t what he needed from her. “For now, the truth. Did you steal one million dollars from the company?”

  She looked him straight in the eye. “No.”

  “Did Matthew, to the best of your knowledge?”


  He stood, and straightened his shoulders. A quick glance behind her assured everyone still minded their own business. “Why were you snooping on my computer last Friday?”

  She sighed. “Because we thought you might have done it. I’m sorry. I suck as a spy. Clearly.”

  “We?” he asked, then cocked his head to one side.

  Folding her arms across her chest, she worried her bottom lip. Was she nervous because she was telling him the truth or because she was feeding him more lies? “Matthew and I are good friends. I can’t go deep into it, but that’s how I started working here. We never slept together and never will.”

  He popped his knuckles. “Why did he get you a job here?”

  “Because he wanted a witness handy in case you slipped up. Someone on the inside.”

  Jesus. There was no limit to Matthew’s paranoia. “And why would you agree to such a thing?”

  “He helped me in the past. I’m not going to tell you more because that delves into my private life. Trust me though, he’s not a monster,” she said in a drawl sweeter than candy.


  “Now I have no option but to tell him you know that.”

  He waved his hand in disagreement. “No. Don’t.”

  She frowned. “Why wouldn’t I?”

  “Because we can buy time, and find out who’s really stealing from the company.” And leave the pissing contest out of the way. Matthew would never accept his offer to help him find more about the ongoing theft. Instead of wasting precious time with failed family dynamics, he would act out. And fast.

  “So you can look good instead of him?”

  “So we can find out who’s behind all this. Listen, let’s face it, his mother is the CEO. Who do you think she will choose? Her flesh and blood. I know eventually Matthew won’t handle the pressure and I will take over. But for now, the main goal is to unveil the thief. That’s the responsible thing to do.”

  She twisted her hands together. “This is getting complicated. I’m Catholic, you know? I don’t think they created a rosary long enough for the kind of lies I’ve been telling.”

  He bit back a smile, and was about to respond, when a knock on the glass made him turn his head.

  Janie, Toby’s assistant, stood in front of the glass door, holding a few files. He gestured for her to come in.

  “I’m sorry to interrupt, but Toby asked me to personally deliver these files,” she said, laying them on his desk.

  “Great. Thanks,” he said.

  Janie nodded at him, then threw a glance at Elena. This was probably one of those non-verbal female cues.

  “Do you think she heard anything?” he asked, after the assistant left.


  “We can’t take that risk. I still need to finish this conversation. Come to my place, tonight.”

  She raised an eyebrow. “Your place?”

  “I’d rather not go to a public place with you. Rest assured I’m not jumping your bones. I’ll text you my address. Be there at seven.” Now he had to tell himself not to jump her bones.


  “Come again? You’re gonna see him in half an hour?” Janie said.

  Elena rubbed her hands together. Damn it, even her palms were clammy. In the middle of her friend’s living room, she paced and almost made a hole in the beige carpet. The myriad of family pictures and displays of awards of her daughter’s soccer skills crowded the place, and a pang of jealousy swept over Elena.

  “I came to give you the skirt.” She forced a smile. “You asked me what I was doing—”

  Janie sipped her tea and pointed at the skirt, nicely laid over the plaid couch. “Thanks. You could have waited until tomorrow.”

  She brought her hands together in a soundless clap. “I know. I’m sorry. I’m nervous.”

  “Why? Honey, you don’t have to do anything you don’t want to. For goodness’ sake you don’t even need to go to his place.”

  I want to. Ever since he had told her to go over, the idea was like the shot of tequila into the margarita mix. She couldn’t resist him. Sure, she could, but…a strange sensation had taken over her body. Anticipation. Ripples of delayed pleasure. Shit. “We need to talk about some work stuff I can’t mention now. And he told me he wasn’t going to touch me or anything.”

  “Are you sure? Because this red dress might give him some mixed messages.”

  Heat spread across her cheeks. Was Janie right about her knee-length dress? There wasn’t a low V-cut, or a high-slit, or anything like that, but it outlined her body, and the rich texture was like an intimate caress over her flesh.

  “Doesn’t my coat count?” She pointed at her black coat, tossed over the sofa.

  Janie rolled her eyes. “Of course. Because Devon Wilder most likely can’t afford a heater and you will need to keep your coat on.”

  Elena plopped down on the couch, shoulders sagging against the throw pillows. If even someone who didn’t know the whole story like Janie had read her like a fast food menu, what would Devon think? And why the hell did that matter so much? “Is it so obvious that I’m an idiot who doesn’t know what to do?”

  “What’s going on?”

  “I don’t know. A part of me wants to give in and sleep with him, but then I know I just can’t. It’s complicated, but it’s been a while. Even if all those policies and stuff weren’t in place… I don’t know how to get started. Yet I can’t stop thinking about it.” Wanting it.

  “How long?”

  “Three years.”

  Janie leaned forward. “There’s a good reason for that, isn’t there? Someone with your looks and personality doesn’t just stop dating for that long.”

  “I don’t like to talk about it. Listen, I’ve done therapy. I guess in theory I’m good to go, but when it comes to the practical side…”

  “And why do you think an affair with Devon would be beneficial? He’s not into monogamy, and you have the white picket fence dream written all over your forehead with a neon Sharpie.”

  She touched her forehead, then shook her head. What was it with the white picket fence? She would much prefer black wrought iron. “That’s exactly why. I married someone I thought I loved. My whole life I’ve always followed the rules. I’d like to get another chance at love some day, but without the ghost of my dead sexuality lurking. Without the sexual issue stigma. Does that make sense?”

  Janie shot her a knowing glance, and for a moment she wondered if her friend knew exactly what she was talking about. The sound of footfalls on the carpet yanked them from female-bonding land. A lovely little girl, probably seven or eight, held on to her stuffed bunny.

  “I came to give you a goodnight kiss, Mommy,” she said, and her eyes, brown like her mother’s, focused on Elena.

  Elena waved. “Hi. You are prettier in person than on the pictures on your mommy’s desk.”

  Demi smiled. “Thanks,” she said, and gave her mother a tight hug.

  Janie whispered something in Greek to her, and after kissing her forehead, said, “Off you go. Make sure Daddy helps you pick clothes for tomorrow.”

  “Done. Goodnight,” she said, and waved at Elena.

  A sigh she didn’t re
alize she held flew from her lips when the little girl was out of sight. Damn it. She wanted all that too, one day. How would she be able to focus on getting the right guy and marrying him, if the sex part still felt like a rock in her shoe? “She’s adorable. You’re lucky.”

  Leaning in, Janie took her hand in hers and gave it a light squeeze. “Thanks. You should get going to your meeting.”

  “Really? You’re not going to try to talk me out of it?”

  She shook her head. “Nope.”

  She rubbed her temples. “Damn it, Janie. I was counting on you being the voice of reason. I’m disappointed.”

  Janie nodded. “Me too, girl. Me too.”


  The second her high heels clunked on the wooden floors, a shiver went through her. The friendly doorman had assured her Devon was waiting for her, although she doubted he’d be ready for the kind of news she had to give.

  I wanna sleep with you. She snorted. Well, she couldn’t be accused of subtlety. Had to refine the seduction part.

  She cleared her throat and drew in a breath before knocking on his imposing front door, filled with deep carvings swirling in an abstract pattern. Twice.

  He opened the door, and with a polite smile, gesture for her to enter. “Hi.”

  She followed his lead, trying hard not to stare at his mouth-watering ass. He had on a pair of jeans and a long-sleeved white shirt, buttoned up to his neck.

  A ginormous living room spread in front of her, stretching all the way into the modern kitchen. A large marble fireplace was the focus of the room, decorated in warm beiges. Floor to ceiling glass wall showcased Denver’s skyline, and she stared at it for a moment. Wow.

  “This is nice,” she said, even though freaking amazing would be more fitting.

  “Thanks. Do you want to drink some water, coffee, juice?” he asked.

  She shrugged. “No.”

  “Sit down.” He pointed at one of the massive sofas, and sat on the one across from her. The buttery beige leather was almost slippery, and it had a new furniture smell. “You said you aren’t the one stealing. How do you explain your expensive car?”